Thursday, October 25, 2012

Making your first mark.

Finding a way to get noticed in the workplace is one of the hardest accomplishments in a person's professional development. In order to start the process a person must first buy into the system that is in place. If they do not believe in the system then the focus should turn to making themselves a valuable asset in the workplace. The objective is to provide a reason for your associates to believe that your expertise is valid and reputable. In order to achieve the reputable standing of your associates you must buy in 100%. This is important because once a person gains the notoriety then they can implement a change in the structure or program that seems inefficient.

One of my 14 philosophical quotes on fundraising that I created based of Deming's 14 points of Management is:
" If you build it they will come. To reach the goals of the organization: the employer, athletes, and donors must all illustrate the mission and drive of the athletic department in everything they do. The created experience of the boosters should drive the efforts from higher administration to the student workers." 

Pretty much from whoever is at the bottom to whoever is at the top....everyone should find a way at some capacity to impact their customer at such a point that their experience is a memorable one.

Being at the bottom of the structure or "chain of command" you must add value first. What can you do in your current position that will give you notoriety? What can you do that will turn your boss' head? You have to find a way to make your first mark or you'll continue to be a name on the payroll or a body in the cubicle. ITS ABOUT SACRIFICE.

In my case, I started with a list of people who purchased season tickets. Of those people I searched the ones who are 1) not in our donor database 2) local residents- non business 3) new to the community of Cookeville and Tennessee Tech University. I cold called these individuals asked them if they are willing to meet with me over a cup of coffee (my own expense) so that I can introduce myself, get to know those who are contributors to football season tickets, and willing to sit and talk sports for a bit. Once I meet with them I get to know their hobbies, their interest, their background, where they are from, what University....everything I can grab in a 30 minute span.

This is my starting point to building a great relationship with people who have a strong interest in TTU athletics. Last Friday 10.19.12 I received my first donation check to TTU Athletics because of the cups of coffee I bought to build a relationship and really show the passion behind the development of our athletic department. This was never a requirement of my position. This is called MAKING MY FIRST MARK! now go find a way to make yours!!!!

"Do not reveal what you have thought upon doing, but by wise council keep it secret being determined to carry it into execution." -Chanakya (google that guy)

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