Thursday, August 9, 2012

THE BEGINNING...Reaching the end result

"There are dreamers and there are realists in this world. You'd think the dreamers would find the dreamers and the realists would find the realists, but more often than not the opposite is true. You see, the dreamers need the realists to keep them from soaring too close to the sun. And the realists, well without the dreamers, they might not ever get off the ground." -Modern Family

"Life is Surreal when reality becomes everything a person has ever dreamed about and and that person is living the lifestyle they had always imagined."-Laura Ann Nicholls

A DREAMIST is a dreaming realist. All things are possible through vision, work ethic, continuing education, and pursuit. As a dreamist, I have a preconceived mindset of how I picture my life, the steps on the ladder, and my end result. These things drive me and keep me focused. In reality, I am nowhere close to retirement and selling Budweiser's near an exotic beach but in reality my vision is set. Setting goals as a dreamist is far fetched for a realist but in the eyes of a dreamist all goals and ideas can be reached through time, opportunity, and dedication. The difference between a dreamist and a realist is that a dreamist lives in long term thought. A realist lives in short term situational thought. A dreamist believes in substantial change in time where a realist does not see that based on a current situation or circumstance that a drastic change will happen. With my opinion being said, I want to talk about what exactly transitioning from a DREAMIST to a SURREALIST means. When reality is having the disorienting, hallucinatory quality of a dream then life becomes surreal. It is not an overnight transition and in most ladder climber's situations its a 30 year transition but the end result is executing the mapped vision.

 I am starting this blog to share my vision and illustrate my transitional steps over the next thirty years in my professional career all the way to the end result. This blog is intended to educate, illustrate, and mentor those who strive to increase their interpersonal and professional development and who are highly active in their own pursuit of transitioning their life into a constant surreal experience.

 I am a creative thinker. I have a knack for taking advanced scenarios and describing them in relative terms for easy comprehension. I speak Southern Dialect. I invent words. I do not edit or look for grammatical corrections in punctuation. A proper paper/blog is not my mission. I use my book and street smarts to put things in Layman's Terms. It is my passion to mentor and help those who seek guidance into the athletic, scholastic, and professional world. I have a sure passion for personal engagement as I have chosen the career of stewardship.

I have recently finished my Master's degree in Sport Management and will be moving to Tennessee Tech for my new position in Athletic Development/ Fund-raising. Through my recent graduate program I have found that test scores are not imperative to making it in today's world. Now, you must have passing scores to be considered "even on the playing field" but what is it that can separate yourself from other classmates or in the professional sense "other candidates". It is not how great your 10 page term paper is because there are so many more tangibles that come into play. Which leads me into my first professional development blog "Lantern Mover vs Road Map Reader" ....coming soon!

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