Tuesday, August 21, 2012

ADVENTURE TRAVELER....Getting to point B

It is day 2 here at Tennessee Tech and I am loving every second of it. It is easy adjusting to change if you enjoy what you do. After graduating 2 weeks ago I have been looking back and questioning myself as to why it took me so long to get to this point in my life. I look around and people younger than me are in positions higher than me. Its because I never formulated a plan that I was capable of executing. I always dreamed of the big job however I never had a clue as to how to get there. My resume was filled with odd end jobs with different careers from a Shoney's server to a manhole repair man to a locksmith to a teacher...but the entire time all I wanted was the big paycheck and the big job. Those careers do not strike as either big money or big promotion opportunities therefore I was wasting my precious professional time. The quickest way from point A to point B is obviously a straight line however what if point B is 5 streets away??!! With my professional goals it takes 6 steps to reach point B. I'm currently sitting at step number 2. You may never reach point B (in my case take you 6 years to figure out how to reach point B) unless you are willing to be an adventure traveler.

There are 3 components to being an adventure traveler toward the pursuit of your own professional goals and dreams.

The first component is DESIRE. Are you willing to go in less chartered directions? The desire to do what it takes even if it is traveling across the country to work for free should be instilled in you...if you're serious about getting to point B. This self-discovery will ignite a passion within you and will guide you. Your professional knowledge hopefully enhances your desire to become an engaged and contributing member of a rapidly changing world. Don't be afraid of uncharted territory. Find your passion!

Next is a COMPASS. Your true North is the morals, values, and ethical teachings from your family, peers, institutions, schools, and society. Embrace these! Allow them to help you navigate your way through life. Also realize that your compass at times will need to be recalibrated because of the life lessons and new information you gain along the path of getting to point B. The truths about you and the world will cause for some reflection as to how accurate you are on these values.

The final component is COMMITMENT. This is going to be an ongoing journey and as an adventure traveler you must posses commitment to never give up and to reach your end result. Commitment to stick to the plan, stick to the path, and turn your dreams into an everyday surreal experience. You may have to rely more on the skills and knowledge developed through your education. You may be challenged to gather information, organize it, assess it, and then apply it creatively to your own development as you make your own pathway through this world. But there will be balance as you walk the path to reach point B if you have DESIRE, A COMPASS, and COMMITMENT.

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