Tuesday, September 4, 2012


There are things in life that everyone loves to take part in. There are certain characteristics in objects, jobs, people etc that attract an inner desire in the human to want to join or be a part of that certain thing, The universe is composed entirely of vibrating potential energy. When we consume or observe this energy we quickly form the waves into situations circumstances etc and because of the magnitude of our emotions, preferences, etc this energy has a very powerful impact on our reality that manifests as the result of our attractiveness. To control this energy in relation to reality you need to create a rhythm in life.

Rhythm does not mean routine. You can do different things and move different ways and still keep a beat however if you do the same movement in the same way continuously then you have established a routine.

Routines are not necessarily a bad thing but in my opinion they hinder expansion and cripple creativity. Think of transhumanism when trying to find your life's rhythm. It’s a movement that through the evolution of life humans can continue to enhance their intellectual, physical, and psychological capacities by utilizing the resources and energies of this world and develop into something far more than routine to almost an un-human nature. In small talk it is taking continuous learning to the furthest point of cognitive capacity to where it is impossible to learn anymore. If you live to reach this level then you will become an expert in your craft and an expert is mediocre when considering the transhumanism thought process. So, while being active in your own pursuit (which is hopefully to become an expert in your craft because you can not reach the top if you know nothing about what is up there) you must find rhythm in your life so that your scale or path is efficient and smooth. Without rhythm you with create a rollercoaster on a flat tire. Imagine how fun of a ride that would be.

The moral: Find your rhythm, incorporate energy, and don't slow down in life..if you get settled thats fine just mix it up: stay live, stay new, stay steady, and stay persistant.

Take this video and notice life's rhythm at its finest:


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