Wednesday, January 2, 2013

New Year, New Zings, New Things

"Wake up, wake up, wake up it's the 1st of the get up, get up, get up cash your checks and get up"

It feels great to have a sense of focus for the new year. I am doing the impossible new years resolution "not drinking a beer for 3 months" friends are baffled by my extreme cogitation "frank the tank is not gonna have a beer" I call B.S. but it is gonna serve a purpose for a number of reasons. One I want to get physically "on point", very healthy, get in "marathon" capable shape (not saying I'm going to run in one this year but I will eventually esp when it warms up!)
Two, I feel that alcohol tends to deteriate my focus. When I wake up I feel that my brain is flooded with malt and barley, I lack AMBITION, I lack the capability of being INNOVATIVE, and I lack in my strongest skill set which is being METICULOUS.
To FOCUS you must AIM.  Ambition-Innovative-Meticulous.

Three, If you know me and how social I am...I'm gonna save a million dollars this way, bottom line its the best financial move for me.
Four, its a new year. Question for reflection: When is the last time that you have set a short term milestone, sortof like fasting, except for personal reasons not for a religous purpose? When you set this goal, did you exectute it? If I was a betting man I would put the majority of my money toward 2 answers. 1. You havent thought of a personal fast that will demand dedication, self-efficacy, and personal strife. 2. You have set out to do something (new years resolution) and half way through you fell off and made an excuse..."ah man you know that was stupid anyway because I'm doing something else thats better" or "dang dude my pinkie hurts I couldn't even go" or "shiiiit dogg that was too much I'd rather just be on the couch"  "why do that, I'd miss American Idol."

I am doing this personal fast with myself because I want to prove I can achieve anything I set my mind to, it has been a while. I want to continue to prove myself that I can be dedicated to something. Dedication is my biggest fault, I never went pro in baseball (lack of dedication) I've made 4 career changes (lack of dedication) I have to work 2 jobs to level out my finances because I lack in dedication to making my initial income work for my style of living "Got champagne taste but only beer money" ha~ Tony Dungy

Advice: Set a resolution that will just light up your internal being. Set a milestone not just a goal. Set something that will produce physical results, mental stability, and personal aplomb.  -Out!

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