Monday, January 28, 2013

We All Need To Dance!!!

Watch this first------- Kid President- Pep Talk

Motivation requires the belief that a change in behavior will result in a desired outcome. Without the desire to improve or enhance a certain situation then motivation is non existent. If you want to be healthy, professional, or just talented then you must start with the belief of potential and then go above and beyond the natural norm of making that change. Meaning: Everyone thinks if you do crunches then you'll get great abs (general observation) however crunches and sit ups are 50 years ago now its all about planks, GHD's, and Swiss ball jackknifes. So whether you are looking for motivation to live a healthier lifestyle, becoming a devout Christian, or leading in a corporate setting it all takes motivation which REQUIRES a belief in change.

Staying motivated is a struggle...our drive is constantly battling with negative thoughts and anxiety about our future. Everyone faces doubt and depression but what separates the highly successful (in health, religion, school, business, truck driving) is the ability to keep moving forward.

Where does your ability to keep moving forward come from? Is it from your living conditions and the way you were raised? Is it from your peer's pressure to keep up with the Kardashians? Is it because you're a social outcast and refuse to be hidden in your room all your life?! Despite the circumstances of your life everyone moves forward, some just do it with a results driven focus. Meaning: Everyone loves to dance, some just take classes to be better at it than others!

What is your dance move? I like to boogie with some rhythm and break out some "specialty moves" every now and again...kind of like this: Dude has moves

Seriously, I have no shot of dancing like that but I'm not scared to give him a run for his money. Just like in life, who cares what you look like doing it just as long as you're active in your own pursuit because in the end you will be so far ahead of those who sit still that they will never have the opportunity to catch up with you.

Are you dancing in life or are you just sittin' back like a wallflower. To each its own however like Kid President said, "What would be your space-jam, what will you create to make the world awesome? Nothing if you keep siting there." in other words: Start dancing and quit being scared to talk to girls.

IMO: The first factor with motivation is living and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. I have searched for studies on the impact of living a healthy lifestyle and the effects on motivation and there isn't a lot of evidence to back my theory (or I just could care less about reading a lot of term papers and thesis proposals) but I strongly feel that if you work at living a healthy lifestyle (diet, exercise, moral awareness) then you get to experience the feeling of self gratitude, dedication, fulfillment, completion. All of these factors cultivate and add to the belief that a change in behavior will result in a desired outcome. This feeling of accomplishing something everyday will carry over to the next thing you want to accomplish and the motivation behind reaching your next goal will be easier because you have already felt the emotions attached to accomplishing living a healthy lifestyle. The reason why I say it is the first factor with motivation is because everyday you make decisions and the first decisions that most people make when they wake up is a decision based on hygiene and healthy eating. So if you are motivated to brush your teeth, clean your body, and eat fruit then you have began to experience these emotions of dedication, fulfillment etc....

 I personally want to be healthier because it separates myself from the majority of the American society. 35% of adults in America were considered obese, that is not considered as fat (a whole different stat). Of the top 30 states in 2012, 26 were from the South and Midwest. Being from Alabama, I notice gross habits all the time and I refuse to let my body reach that level. This applies to every walk of life not just in the health world. I want to separate myself from the average, from the normal. I want to set the tone, the new standard of being awesome. I refuse to settle for mediocrity and I believe that my mentality and my behavior will continue to bring great changes in my life. BIGGER and BETTER CHANGES!!! The belief that a change in behavior will result in a desired outcome is the starting point, Now Go DANCE!!!!!!

dedicated to Cara Stoddard

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