Tuesday, April 30, 2013

When Nature Calls...Are you going to answer?

Tough life decisions come when the going gets rough. I have yet once again not stuck to a path. It takes a tremendous amount of sacrifice, dedication, and focus to achieve greatness in life but when nature calls you must answer.

I could no longer afford to pursue my passion as a 29 year old with adult responsibilities on a teenager's income. I would've had no problem sacrificing a bowl of rice a day, over draft bank account, and warm beer when I was 22 but at 29 with health, bills, student loans, an older model vehicle, unstable relationship because of being unstable, no savings but hella student debt...I had to take a time out and find something that has growth and has stability with lucrative opportunities to get settled. I would love to continue following this craft in non profit fundraising but I have to sustain myself.

Everyone knows Locksmith is not my ideal career but I can only place myself in a better situation than before with the mindset that it will open bigger and brighter doors. That is why I chose moving back to Auburn. Well Auburn was not the answer either. I became worse off than I was before I left.

The question became WHAT DO I MISS THE MOST? When you know you miss something -that person, place, or thing ...it uplifts you on a regular basis and you become EXTREMELY HAPPY in the moment. That is what I perceive as nature calling. When nature calls are you going to answer? Are you going to leave your friends, family, and other misc things behind when you have a small opportunity to go back to the thing that you miss the most?

Find the thing that makes you happiest and in return happiness will set you up for your big vision.

This is Baseball for me. I love producing outcomes. If that is a player, a game, a season, or a turn around program... if the outcome is greater than when it originated then YES I have succeeded in my own mind. Success makes me happy. Pitchers who throw strikes make me happy. Pearls make me happy. Hitting fungo makes me happy. Baseball makes me happy.

 I do not judge success from a State Championship ring. I judge it on my 4 E philo in baseball. Educate, Enhance, Endure, and Expose. If I can accomplish all 4 of these things to each and every one of my players then I am being the best possible coach I can be for my particular role which means success, which means HAPPINESS.

Know your happy places and when the call comes dont let it go to voicemail.

Moral: In life you're faced with the toughest of times but you can't provide anything to anyone if you aren't taking care of YOU first. Why do you think the flight attendants tell you to put on your mask  before you put it on someone else. Answer the phone because you have to be right with yourself before you can be right for anyone else.

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