Monday, March 11, 2013

ADVERSITY- its where you get your hustle!

Change a life, Change the future

Very rare is it that you meet someone who is successful, who came from the same challenges, same place, same struggles, and overcoming all the obstacles as you did. Everyone is different. Those conditions of misfortune are examples of adversity. The action(s) a person takes to surpass those conditions to get closer to their end result is their hustle. To get to your end result you must have the mentality to out hustle and out work everyone around you. As you have experienced adversity nothing in life is guaranteed or given to you. Some have easier access and means to accomplish their goals but for the majority it takes hard work, dedication, and a plan of action.

When I step out on the street I become enthusiastic to make a change in the direction in which kid’s lives are headed. I see life from a different perspective. I see it filled with an environment of discombobulation, deficiency in structure, and gateways to a predicted life. As a mentor I try to illustrate that a person’s current situation is not their life's outcome. The gains made in life are a result of the way a person handles adversity and the approach of their hustle. I’m speaking the language of my audience must stay positive and foreshadow your outcome. Get out and get accomplished.
For me, I hustle in a positive way ...I place myself in the right spots...volunteering, conferences, network events, socials...things that allow me to establish relationships that will be of value to me at some point down the road. Every day I have calls to make. Every week I try to have something on my schedule. Every month I try to make a difference in someone’s life. Every year I try to take another step in the right direction that will lead me to long term success. Life is not an overnight venture. You’re not going to go from one end of the totem pole to the other in 1 day….it takes time, its takes effort, and you have to have a positive support system. Get right and get your hustle on!!!


Change a life, Change the future

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