Friday, August 26, 2016

3 years of FLOW!.....stop and go, stop and go

Wow, Im going on 3 years of not writing in my blog. My focus in life has been geared toward getting back to this blog after I left the shit show of TTU athletics. I was about 4 months shy of my next step which is considered the "game changer" step. The game changer is when the crap money and the hard knock grind of sleeping in your office during Winter comes to a stop. The game changer adds the 3rd line of parallel work on your resume and comes with financial compensation that is worth moving (35k-45k range)

If you're one step away from the game changer DONT QUIT, CALL ME

My last 3 years looked like this. Keep in mind I was on my 8th month leading to my game changer but nature called and I had to answer.

TTU- $1200 month no reimbursements for coffee, lunch, trips, or dinners with donors.
Auburn -3 months no pay
MNPS Sub Teacher- $11.73/hr for 10 months (no guarantee)
MNPS Para Pro Teacher $700 every 2 weeks- full time for 2 months (by this time IM BROKE)
Ferguson plumbing supply house- great money, shit job, shit leadership FML (back on my feet, hate life)
MNPS Teacher- Finally happiness and BASEBALL

I set out to advance my career as an aspiring Athletic Director...I fell short of my game changer but the one constant still is baseball. I never quit learning the game or quit coaching the game. I've been involved with coaching in some capacity with baseball since 2006.

When your life/goals shift you must realign with reality and create your new paradigm. There are pathways/patterns that you can follow that will allow you to reach your end result. My new goal is to coach for TeamUSA in the summer hopefully in turn allow me to coach at the collegiate level in Nashville.

Its my new flow...hopefully no stop but all go!

Thursday, October 3, 2013

My vibes my energy....Where is your motivation?

“Get going. Move forward. Aim High. Plan a takeoff. Don't just sit on the runway and hope someone will come along and push the airplane. It simply won't happen. Change your attitude and gain some altitude. Believe me, you'll love it up here.” ― Donald Trump Most motivation theorists assume that motivation is involved in the performance of all learned responses; that is, a learned behavior will not occur unless it is energized. Energy is power that cannot be created or destroyed. All energy is vibrating, moving to and from in a continuous repetitive cycle. The more cycles completed in one second, the higher the frequency. There are certain energies out there such as Spiritual or Life energies that "move people" by having a faster vibration which requires a person to shift from repetitive, habitual perceptions to seeing the "Light" as in "Light at the end of the tunnel". Make a list of what motivates you today. I am motivated to make money I am motivated to coach baseball I am motivated to be in shape and healthy I am motivated to carry the best relationships and be the best person I can be to all family, friends, and God.

Make a list of why??!! because I want to be stable and established in society because I want to share the path and vision of what it takes to be a student athlete because I want to live longer and be capable of traveling the world because I want to be known for loyalty

Now think of ways that you can deviate from your repetitive everyday lifecycle..Come home clean, cook, shower, bed, sleep, wake up, leave, come home, clean, cook, shower....and get the vibrations moving toward your "why" so that you can see light at the end of your journey! -Out

sources- Successify & Mesa Creative Arts

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

When Nature Calls...Are you going to answer?

Tough life decisions come when the going gets rough. I have yet once again not stuck to a path. It takes a tremendous amount of sacrifice, dedication, and focus to achieve greatness in life but when nature calls you must answer.

I could no longer afford to pursue my passion as a 29 year old with adult responsibilities on a teenager's income. I would've had no problem sacrificing a bowl of rice a day, over draft bank account, and warm beer when I was 22 but at 29 with health, bills, student loans, an older model vehicle, unstable relationship because of being unstable, no savings but hella student debt...I had to take a time out and find something that has growth and has stability with lucrative opportunities to get settled. I would love to continue following this craft in non profit fundraising but I have to sustain myself.

Everyone knows Locksmith is not my ideal career but I can only place myself in a better situation than before with the mindset that it will open bigger and brighter doors. That is why I chose moving back to Auburn. Well Auburn was not the answer either. I became worse off than I was before I left.

The question became WHAT DO I MISS THE MOST? When you know you miss something -that person, place, or thing uplifts you on a regular basis and you become EXTREMELY HAPPY in the moment. That is what I perceive as nature calling. When nature calls are you going to answer? Are you going to leave your friends, family, and other misc things behind when you have a small opportunity to go back to the thing that you miss the most?

Find the thing that makes you happiest and in return happiness will set you up for your big vision.

This is Baseball for me. I love producing outcomes. If that is a player, a game, a season, or a turn around program... if the outcome is greater than when it originated then YES I have succeeded in my own mind. Success makes me happy. Pitchers who throw strikes make me happy. Pearls make me happy. Hitting fungo makes me happy. Baseball makes me happy.

 I do not judge success from a State Championship ring. I judge it on my 4 E philo in baseball. Educate, Enhance, Endure, and Expose. If I can accomplish all 4 of these things to each and every one of my players then I am being the best possible coach I can be for my particular role which means success, which means HAPPINESS.

Know your happy places and when the call comes dont let it go to voicemail.

Moral: In life you're faced with the toughest of times but you can't provide anything to anyone if you aren't taking care of YOU first. Why do you think the flight attendants tell you to put on your mask  before you put it on someone else. Answer the phone because you have to be right with yourself before you can be right for anyone else.

Monday, March 11, 2013

ADVERSITY- its where you get your hustle!

Change a life, Change the future

Very rare is it that you meet someone who is successful, who came from the same challenges, same place, same struggles, and overcoming all the obstacles as you did. Everyone is different. Those conditions of misfortune are examples of adversity. The action(s) a person takes to surpass those conditions to get closer to their end result is their hustle. To get to your end result you must have the mentality to out hustle and out work everyone around you. As you have experienced adversity nothing in life is guaranteed or given to you. Some have easier access and means to accomplish their goals but for the majority it takes hard work, dedication, and a plan of action.

When I step out on the street I become enthusiastic to make a change in the direction in which kid’s lives are headed. I see life from a different perspective. I see it filled with an environment of discombobulation, deficiency in structure, and gateways to a predicted life. As a mentor I try to illustrate that a person’s current situation is not their life's outcome. The gains made in life are a result of the way a person handles adversity and the approach of their hustle. I’m speaking the language of my audience must stay positive and foreshadow your outcome. Get out and get accomplished.
For me, I hustle in a positive way ...I place myself in the right spots...volunteering, conferences, network events, socials...things that allow me to establish relationships that will be of value to me at some point down the road. Every day I have calls to make. Every week I try to have something on my schedule. Every month I try to make a difference in someone’s life. Every year I try to take another step in the right direction that will lead me to long term success. Life is not an overnight venture. You’re not going to go from one end of the totem pole to the other in 1 day….it takes time, its takes effort, and you have to have a positive support system. Get right and get your hustle on!!!


Change a life, Change the future

Monday, January 28, 2013

We All Need To Dance!!!

Watch this first------- Kid President- Pep Talk

Motivation requires the belief that a change in behavior will result in a desired outcome. Without the desire to improve or enhance a certain situation then motivation is non existent. If you want to be healthy, professional, or just talented then you must start with the belief of potential and then go above and beyond the natural norm of making that change. Meaning: Everyone thinks if you do crunches then you'll get great abs (general observation) however crunches and sit ups are 50 years ago now its all about planks, GHD's, and Swiss ball jackknifes. So whether you are looking for motivation to live a healthier lifestyle, becoming a devout Christian, or leading in a corporate setting it all takes motivation which REQUIRES a belief in change.

Staying motivated is a struggle...our drive is constantly battling with negative thoughts and anxiety about our future. Everyone faces doubt and depression but what separates the highly successful (in health, religion, school, business, truck driving) is the ability to keep moving forward.

Where does your ability to keep moving forward come from? Is it from your living conditions and the way you were raised? Is it from your peer's pressure to keep up with the Kardashians? Is it because you're a social outcast and refuse to be hidden in your room all your life?! Despite the circumstances of your life everyone moves forward, some just do it with a results driven focus. Meaning: Everyone loves to dance, some just take classes to be better at it than others!

What is your dance move? I like to boogie with some rhythm and break out some "specialty moves" every now and again...kind of like this: Dude has moves

Seriously, I have no shot of dancing like that but I'm not scared to give him a run for his money. Just like in life, who cares what you look like doing it just as long as you're active in your own pursuit because in the end you will be so far ahead of those who sit still that they will never have the opportunity to catch up with you.

Are you dancing in life or are you just sittin' back like a wallflower. To each its own however like Kid President said, "What would be your space-jam, what will you create to make the world awesome? Nothing if you keep siting there." in other words: Start dancing and quit being scared to talk to girls.

IMO: The first factor with motivation is living and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. I have searched for studies on the impact of living a healthy lifestyle and the effects on motivation and there isn't a lot of evidence to back my theory (or I just could care less about reading a lot of term papers and thesis proposals) but I strongly feel that if you work at living a healthy lifestyle (diet, exercise, moral awareness) then you get to experience the feeling of self gratitude, dedication, fulfillment, completion. All of these factors cultivate and add to the belief that a change in behavior will result in a desired outcome. This feeling of accomplishing something everyday will carry over to the next thing you want to accomplish and the motivation behind reaching your next goal will be easier because you have already felt the emotions attached to accomplishing living a healthy lifestyle. The reason why I say it is the first factor with motivation is because everyday you make decisions and the first decisions that most people make when they wake up is a decision based on hygiene and healthy eating. So if you are motivated to brush your teeth, clean your body, and eat fruit then you have began to experience these emotions of dedication, fulfillment etc....

 I personally want to be healthier because it separates myself from the majority of the American society. 35% of adults in America were considered obese, that is not considered as fat (a whole different stat). Of the top 30 states in 2012, 26 were from the South and Midwest. Being from Alabama, I notice gross habits all the time and I refuse to let my body reach that level. This applies to every walk of life not just in the health world. I want to separate myself from the average, from the normal. I want to set the tone, the new standard of being awesome. I refuse to settle for mediocrity and I believe that my mentality and my behavior will continue to bring great changes in my life. BIGGER and BETTER CHANGES!!! The belief that a change in behavior will result in a desired outcome is the starting point, Now Go DANCE!!!!!!

dedicated to Cara Stoddard

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

New Year, New Zings, New Things

"Wake up, wake up, wake up it's the 1st of the get up, get up, get up cash your checks and get up"

It feels great to have a sense of focus for the new year. I am doing the impossible new years resolution "not drinking a beer for 3 months" friends are baffled by my extreme cogitation "frank the tank is not gonna have a beer" I call B.S. but it is gonna serve a purpose for a number of reasons. One I want to get physically "on point", very healthy, get in "marathon" capable shape (not saying I'm going to run in one this year but I will eventually esp when it warms up!)
Two, I feel that alcohol tends to deteriate my focus. When I wake up I feel that my brain is flooded with malt and barley, I lack AMBITION, I lack the capability of being INNOVATIVE, and I lack in my strongest skill set which is being METICULOUS.
To FOCUS you must AIM.  Ambition-Innovative-Meticulous.

Three, If you know me and how social I am...I'm gonna save a million dollars this way, bottom line its the best financial move for me.
Four, its a new year. Question for reflection: When is the last time that you have set a short term milestone, sortof like fasting, except for personal reasons not for a religous purpose? When you set this goal, did you exectute it? If I was a betting man I would put the majority of my money toward 2 answers. 1. You havent thought of a personal fast that will demand dedication, self-efficacy, and personal strife. 2. You have set out to do something (new years resolution) and half way through you fell off and made an excuse..."ah man you know that was stupid anyway because I'm doing something else thats better" or "dang dude my pinkie hurts I couldn't even go" or "shiiiit dogg that was too much I'd rather just be on the couch"  "why do that, I'd miss American Idol."

I am doing this personal fast with myself because I want to prove I can achieve anything I set my mind to, it has been a while. I want to continue to prove myself that I can be dedicated to something. Dedication is my biggest fault, I never went pro in baseball (lack of dedication) I've made 4 career changes (lack of dedication) I have to work 2 jobs to level out my finances because I lack in dedication to making my initial income work for my style of living "Got champagne taste but only beer money" ha~ Tony Dungy

Advice: Set a resolution that will just light up your internal being. Set a milestone not just a goal. Set something that will produce physical results, mental stability, and personal aplomb.  -Out!

Monday, December 3, 2012

Pursuit of Happiness: "The Quoted Notes"

 "In order to make anything a reality, you have to dream about it first." - Adora Svitak

I've put together a list of some inspirational quotes that have directed me in my style of living, in my pursuit of financial freedom, and throughout my ambitious professional development. It has taken me a long time to be on the path where I am now but that is the evolution of life. There are so many people that wake up who do not want to go to work or have "got caught up in life" however if you read these quotes and really dig deep inside your thought process, these quotes can really help define who you are and what you want to accomplish.
When playing college ball our baseball shirts said "Never Satisfied" well here is my quote on that: "Satisfaction comes when someone runs out of ambition, when someone runs out of ambition means they are settling for mediocrity." -Roy Edward McGinty

To me, there are three things we all should do every day. We should do this every day of our lives. Number one is laugh. You should laugh every day. Number two is think. You should spend some time in thought. Number three is, you should have your emotions moved to tears, could be happiness or joy. But think about it. If you laugh, you think, and you cry, that's a full day. That's a heck of a day. You do that seven days a week, you're going to have something special. - Jim Valvano (ESPY Speech)
"Life's up and downs provide windows of opportunity to determine your values and goals - Think of using all obstacles as stepping stones to build the life you want" -Marsha Sinetar
"One can choose to go back toward safety or forward toward growth." - Abraham Maslow
“We are all faced with a series of great opportunities brilliantly disguised as impossible situations" - Charles R. Swindoll
Progress far from consisting in change, depends on retentiveness.....Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. - George Santayna
"Do not fear going forward slowly; fear only to stand still." - Chinese Proverb
Happiness is not in the mere possession of money; it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative effort - F. D. Roosevelt
"To repeat what others have said, requires education; to challenge it, requires brains." - Mary Pettibone Poole
"Work smarter, not harder" - Scrooge McDuck
"I'd risk the fall just to know how it feels to fly" - Kayla Smith
“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” - Brent Turner
"Life is not the way it is supposed to be. It is the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference." - Virginia Satir
"In order to achieve your intended results, you must be active in your own pursuit" - Roy Edward McGinty
"Complaining never serves any justice, actions are what set the standard" - Roy Edward McGinty
"If you don't live it up now, all that money you saved will be pointless because airplanes aren't big enough for wheelchairs and walkers." - Roy Edward McGinty
"You can't have a better tomorrow if you're thinking about yesterday. - Charles Kettering
"It will never work out with a guy who ONLY eats pepperoni pizza." - Ashley Hawkins Prescott
"Now and then it's good to pause in our pursuit of happiness and just be happy." - Guillaume Apollinaire
I am going to end with this, whatever visions you may have just never forget the root of happiness is happy. Do not let work consume you, they call this life because you are supposed to live. SMILE, BE HAPPY, AND BE PASSIONATE, passionate in everything you do and towards everyone you meet because you never know when you'll be faced to meet your final friend!! - Roy Edward McGinty
like my girl Kristen Albert says "Toot it n Boot it"
L for Love- Gordon (Dodgeball)