Monday, December 3, 2012

Pursuit of Happiness: "The Quoted Notes"

 "In order to make anything a reality, you have to dream about it first." - Adora Svitak

I've put together a list of some inspirational quotes that have directed me in my style of living, in my pursuit of financial freedom, and throughout my ambitious professional development. It has taken me a long time to be on the path where I am now but that is the evolution of life. There are so many people that wake up who do not want to go to work or have "got caught up in life" however if you read these quotes and really dig deep inside your thought process, these quotes can really help define who you are and what you want to accomplish.
When playing college ball our baseball shirts said "Never Satisfied" well here is my quote on that: "Satisfaction comes when someone runs out of ambition, when someone runs out of ambition means they are settling for mediocrity." -Roy Edward McGinty

To me, there are three things we all should do every day. We should do this every day of our lives. Number one is laugh. You should laugh every day. Number two is think. You should spend some time in thought. Number three is, you should have your emotions moved to tears, could be happiness or joy. But think about it. If you laugh, you think, and you cry, that's a full day. That's a heck of a day. You do that seven days a week, you're going to have something special. - Jim Valvano (ESPY Speech)
"Life's up and downs provide windows of opportunity to determine your values and goals - Think of using all obstacles as stepping stones to build the life you want" -Marsha Sinetar
"One can choose to go back toward safety or forward toward growth." - Abraham Maslow
“We are all faced with a series of great opportunities brilliantly disguised as impossible situations" - Charles R. Swindoll
Progress far from consisting in change, depends on retentiveness.....Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. - George Santayna
"Do not fear going forward slowly; fear only to stand still." - Chinese Proverb
Happiness is not in the mere possession of money; it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative effort - F. D. Roosevelt
"To repeat what others have said, requires education; to challenge it, requires brains." - Mary Pettibone Poole
"Work smarter, not harder" - Scrooge McDuck
"I'd risk the fall just to know how it feels to fly" - Kayla Smith
“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” - Brent Turner
"Life is not the way it is supposed to be. It is the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference." - Virginia Satir
"In order to achieve your intended results, you must be active in your own pursuit" - Roy Edward McGinty
"Complaining never serves any justice, actions are what set the standard" - Roy Edward McGinty
"If you don't live it up now, all that money you saved will be pointless because airplanes aren't big enough for wheelchairs and walkers." - Roy Edward McGinty
"You can't have a better tomorrow if you're thinking about yesterday. - Charles Kettering
"It will never work out with a guy who ONLY eats pepperoni pizza." - Ashley Hawkins Prescott
"Now and then it's good to pause in our pursuit of happiness and just be happy." - Guillaume Apollinaire
I am going to end with this, whatever visions you may have just never forget the root of happiness is happy. Do not let work consume you, they call this life because you are supposed to live. SMILE, BE HAPPY, AND BE PASSIONATE, passionate in everything you do and towards everyone you meet because you never know when you'll be faced to meet your final friend!! - Roy Edward McGinty
like my girl Kristen Albert says "Toot it n Boot it"
L for Love- Gordon (Dodgeball) 

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Making your first mark.

Finding a way to get noticed in the workplace is one of the hardest accomplishments in a person's professional development. In order to start the process a person must first buy into the system that is in place. If they do not believe in the system then the focus should turn to making themselves a valuable asset in the workplace. The objective is to provide a reason for your associates to believe that your expertise is valid and reputable. In order to achieve the reputable standing of your associates you must buy in 100%. This is important because once a person gains the notoriety then they can implement a change in the structure or program that seems inefficient.

One of my 14 philosophical quotes on fundraising that I created based of Deming's 14 points of Management is:
" If you build it they will come. To reach the goals of the organization: the employer, athletes, and donors must all illustrate the mission and drive of the athletic department in everything they do. The created experience of the boosters should drive the efforts from higher administration to the student workers." 

Pretty much from whoever is at the bottom to whoever is at the top....everyone should find a way at some capacity to impact their customer at such a point that their experience is a memorable one.

Being at the bottom of the structure or "chain of command" you must add value first. What can you do in your current position that will give you notoriety? What can you do that will turn your boss' head? You have to find a way to make your first mark or you'll continue to be a name on the payroll or a body in the cubicle. ITS ABOUT SACRIFICE.

In my case, I started with a list of people who purchased season tickets. Of those people I searched the ones who are 1) not in our donor database 2) local residents- non business 3) new to the community of Cookeville and Tennessee Tech University. I cold called these individuals asked them if they are willing to meet with me over a cup of coffee (my own expense) so that I can introduce myself, get to know those who are contributors to football season tickets, and willing to sit and talk sports for a bit. Once I meet with them I get to know their hobbies, their interest, their background, where they are from, what University....everything I can grab in a 30 minute span.

This is my starting point to building a great relationship with people who have a strong interest in TTU athletics. Last Friday 10.19.12 I received my first donation check to TTU Athletics because of the cups of coffee I bought to build a relationship and really show the passion behind the development of our athletic department. This was never a requirement of my position. This is called MAKING MY FIRST MARK! now go find a way to make yours!!!!

"Do not reveal what you have thought upon doing, but by wise council keep it secret being determined to carry it into execution." -Chanakya (google that guy)

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Being Active In Your Own Pursuit

"Being active in your own pursuit" is a slogan I have used since my college/high school baseball coaching days and still tend to lean on this through my professional development.

There are the 5 essential questions that I ask my players, my mentees, and even myself:
1. Do you understand your position/potential?
2. Do you understand the meaningfulness of your pursuit?
3. Do you have the capacity to perform at that level?
4. Are you focused?
5. How have you prepared your plan?

1...To properly understand your position/ potential you must give yourself a blunt reality check. Are you a 2.1 GPA student trying to get into Harvard or are you a 3.0 student wanting to sign a scholarship to a JUCO because you haven't quite developed the velocity that a D1 school is looking for. This is a huge factor in your plan of execution and without a PLAN you are definitely not being active in your own pursuit. Professionally speaking: What type of jobs are you applying for based off your experience? If you have 2 years of experience then your personal position is not qualified for a job that requires 5-7. Not saying you can not get lucky and land that gig however I am saying you need to position yourself parallel with the qualifications of that particular job (5-7year experience) going into year number 2 so that when you're ready to make a move, you will have the proper alignment as you progress professionally.

2...This is the easy part, everyone knows why they do what they do. Some people do the things they do as a cop out or as a "please feel sorry for me" but in reality of this world we all started at the same place which is around 9lbs 4oz on November 3rd 1983. The choices a person makes dictates their future. To get on the right track, you must figure out the things that mean the most to you and how will you be able to financially, professional, and spiritually protect them. What really matters most to you?

3... This is a tough one because everyone believes in themselves and everyone thinks they have it figured out in this uncoachable world until someone gets slapped in the face and now needs a coach. Take Chile for an example. I moved down there to teach English and planned to save money and bounce from country to country teaching ENGLISH was I thinking because I speak SOUTHERN DIALECT ...I have to do spell check for the word: preposition or consonant. I don't know no English!! The experience was amazing and I would never take anything away from it however my plan went from 3 years to 2 1/2 months and I was back in Nashville. That is the whole point of understanding your capacity so that you are not wasting precious professional time. If you start something and realize it is not you then quit and start something else. Do not sit around and hope and wish and pray and stress thinking the profession or the love for whatever will change because those are permanent and aren't going anywhere, therefore you have to be the one to make the adjustment.


5...In all honesty there is one way to properly prepare your plan. You have to figure out your end result, meaning what professional position would you like to hold one day. Once you figure that out whether it is an Oncology Pediatric Nurse, an Athletic Director, or a Secondary History need to schedule a meeting with someone who already sits in that seat and ask them how they got there. This is the only true testament of understanding the proper path and what it takes to get to that level because obviously the person you're talking to has made it professionally. In my case I have had 1on1 meetings with over 10 Directors of Development, 3 D1 Athletic Directors, and 1 University President. I did this to understand what it takes to become a Director of Development (step 5 of 6 ) because I need to reach that position in order to gain sport supervision to become an Athletic Director (step 6 of 6) and the reason why I had a meeting with the President is because he is the one who hires the Athletic Director and I need to properly align myself parallel with the qualifications of that position as I am at step 2 at Tennessee Tech.

Moral of the story: GET RIGHT and GET ACTIVE!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


There are things in life that everyone loves to take part in. There are certain characteristics in objects, jobs, people etc that attract an inner desire in the human to want to join or be a part of that certain thing, The universe is composed entirely of vibrating potential energy. When we consume or observe this energy we quickly form the waves into situations circumstances etc and because of the magnitude of our emotions, preferences, etc this energy has a very powerful impact on our reality that manifests as the result of our attractiveness. To control this energy in relation to reality you need to create a rhythm in life.

Rhythm does not mean routine. You can do different things and move different ways and still keep a beat however if you do the same movement in the same way continuously then you have established a routine.

Routines are not necessarily a bad thing but in my opinion they hinder expansion and cripple creativity. Think of transhumanism when trying to find your life's rhythm. It’s a movement that through the evolution of life humans can continue to enhance their intellectual, physical, and psychological capacities by utilizing the resources and energies of this world and develop into something far more than routine to almost an un-human nature. In small talk it is taking continuous learning to the furthest point of cognitive capacity to where it is impossible to learn anymore. If you live to reach this level then you will become an expert in your craft and an expert is mediocre when considering the transhumanism thought process. So, while being active in your own pursuit (which is hopefully to become an expert in your craft because you can not reach the top if you know nothing about what is up there) you must find rhythm in your life so that your scale or path is efficient and smooth. Without rhythm you with create a rollercoaster on a flat tire. Imagine how fun of a ride that would be.

The moral: Find your rhythm, incorporate energy, and don't slow down in life..if you get settled thats fine just mix it up: stay live, stay new, stay steady, and stay persistant.

Take this video and notice life's rhythm at its finest:

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

ADVENTURE TRAVELER....Getting to point B

It is day 2 here at Tennessee Tech and I am loving every second of it. It is easy adjusting to change if you enjoy what you do. After graduating 2 weeks ago I have been looking back and questioning myself as to why it took me so long to get to this point in my life. I look around and people younger than me are in positions higher than me. Its because I never formulated a plan that I was capable of executing. I always dreamed of the big job however I never had a clue as to how to get there. My resume was filled with odd end jobs with different careers from a Shoney's server to a manhole repair man to a locksmith to a teacher...but the entire time all I wanted was the big paycheck and the big job. Those careers do not strike as either big money or big promotion opportunities therefore I was wasting my precious professional time. The quickest way from point A to point B is obviously a straight line however what if point B is 5 streets away??!! With my professional goals it takes 6 steps to reach point B. I'm currently sitting at step number 2. You may never reach point B (in my case take you 6 years to figure out how to reach point B) unless you are willing to be an adventure traveler.

There are 3 components to being an adventure traveler toward the pursuit of your own professional goals and dreams.

The first component is DESIRE. Are you willing to go in less chartered directions? The desire to do what it takes even if it is traveling across the country to work for free should be instilled in you...if you're serious about getting to point B. This self-discovery will ignite a passion within you and will guide you. Your professional knowledge hopefully enhances your desire to become an engaged and contributing member of a rapidly changing world. Don't be afraid of uncharted territory. Find your passion!

Next is a COMPASS. Your true North is the morals, values, and ethical teachings from your family, peers, institutions, schools, and society. Embrace these! Allow them to help you navigate your way through life. Also realize that your compass at times will need to be recalibrated because of the life lessons and new information you gain along the path of getting to point B. The truths about you and the world will cause for some reflection as to how accurate you are on these values.

The final component is COMMITMENT. This is going to be an ongoing journey and as an adventure traveler you must posses commitment to never give up and to reach your end result. Commitment to stick to the plan, stick to the path, and turn your dreams into an everyday surreal experience. You may have to rely more on the skills and knowledge developed through your education. You may be challenged to gather information, organize it, assess it, and then apply it creatively to your own development as you make your own pathway through this world. But there will be balance as you walk the path to reach point B if you have DESIRE, A COMPASS, and COMMITMENT.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Lantern Mover vs. Road Map Reader

What separates you from the pack? I became motivated to write on this topic after I had a one on one meeting with Chris Massaro MTSU's Athletic Director. The purpose of the meeting was to hear directly from the guy sitting in my desired seat what type of vision I should have if I plan to become an Athletic Director. What is the best approach to moving up in Athletics?

He asked me am I a lantern mover or a road map reader? So this motivated me to write about the differences in the two.

What does it mean to be a lantern mover vs a road map reader. In the old Chicago Fire Mrs. O'Leary's cow kicked over the lantern that burnt the barn that burnt the neighborhood that burnt half the city. If Mrs. O'Leary was the visionary she would've noticed that the lantern was too close to the cow therefore move it out of harms way. College athletics is typically centered around two ideas: Win Championships, Graduate Students. These two basic ideas have transitioned the institution into a multimillion (in some rare cases, billion dollar industry) meaning it is becoming a business. Every business wants employees that "get it" and understand the mission and vision of the company. In athletics it is to win championships and graduate students. Precise marketing, proper exploitation through SID, development etc are all becoming vital aspects in recruiting the right athletes to achieve this goal. The ability to see beyond the present, being able to see beyond the day, and being able to see beyond the current circumstance allows yourself as an employee freedom and latitude to explore your ideas, initiatives, and creative value to the department. There is no need to micro manage a person who visualizes the next step (three steps ahead) unless you have to illustrate the first three steps initially. As a manager and leader I want someone that comes to work, knows the task at hand, anticipates the next move, and brings ideas to the table. If I have lay out steps A, B, C, D everyday every week then what type of value are you adding to me. This is called being a road map reader. Just like in map quest: exit here turn here wave there...its mirco its meticulous and it hinders the growth because you're not thinking forward. Get prepared, visualize efforts to improve situations and start getting creative. In college athletics the trends have been set now for over 100 years...What can you bring to the table that will separate you from all the rest because at the end of the day we all have a diploma, a ten page paper, and an A on our report card but do we all have campaign initiatives, 14 points of fund-raising philosophy, or even the vision to see the multiple untapped audiences and implement a plan to get them involved.

The moral: Look for ways to impress, improve, and implement. Don't let someone map your plan, visualize what the difference maker is and find a way to attach it to your name.

THE BEGINNING...Reaching the end result

"There are dreamers and there are realists in this world. You'd think the dreamers would find the dreamers and the realists would find the realists, but more often than not the opposite is true. You see, the dreamers need the realists to keep them from soaring too close to the sun. And the realists, well without the dreamers, they might not ever get off the ground." -Modern Family

"Life is Surreal when reality becomes everything a person has ever dreamed about and and that person is living the lifestyle they had always imagined."-Laura Ann Nicholls

A DREAMIST is a dreaming realist. All things are possible through vision, work ethic, continuing education, and pursuit. As a dreamist, I have a preconceived mindset of how I picture my life, the steps on the ladder, and my end result. These things drive me and keep me focused. In reality, I am nowhere close to retirement and selling Budweiser's near an exotic beach but in reality my vision is set. Setting goals as a dreamist is far fetched for a realist but in the eyes of a dreamist all goals and ideas can be reached through time, opportunity, and dedication. The difference between a dreamist and a realist is that a dreamist lives in long term thought. A realist lives in short term situational thought. A dreamist believes in substantial change in time where a realist does not see that based on a current situation or circumstance that a drastic change will happen. With my opinion being said, I want to talk about what exactly transitioning from a DREAMIST to a SURREALIST means. When reality is having the disorienting, hallucinatory quality of a dream then life becomes surreal. It is not an overnight transition and in most ladder climber's situations its a 30 year transition but the end result is executing the mapped vision.

 I am starting this blog to share my vision and illustrate my transitional steps over the next thirty years in my professional career all the way to the end result. This blog is intended to educate, illustrate, and mentor those who strive to increase their interpersonal and professional development and who are highly active in their own pursuit of transitioning their life into a constant surreal experience.

 I am a creative thinker. I have a knack for taking advanced scenarios and describing them in relative terms for easy comprehension. I speak Southern Dialect. I invent words. I do not edit or look for grammatical corrections in punctuation. A proper paper/blog is not my mission. I use my book and street smarts to put things in Layman's Terms. It is my passion to mentor and help those who seek guidance into the athletic, scholastic, and professional world. I have a sure passion for personal engagement as I have chosen the career of stewardship.

I have recently finished my Master's degree in Sport Management and will be moving to Tennessee Tech for my new position in Athletic Development/ Fund-raising. Through my recent graduate program I have found that test scores are not imperative to making it in today's world. Now, you must have passing scores to be considered "even on the playing field" but what is it that can separate yourself from other classmates or in the professional sense "other candidates". It is not how great your 10 page term paper is because there are so many more tangibles that come into play. Which leads me into my first professional development blog "Lantern Mover vs Road Map Reader" ....coming soon!